2024 Photos
On December 1st, the members and friends of our sister congregation, Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran in Terre Haute, had a photo taken following the afternoon worship service. Following worship, the gathering continued in the church basement for a spaghetti dinner. Pastor Miller is grateful to God for the kindness, flexibility, and generosity during the once/month visits that began in August, 2023.
Thank you to all who helped in any way with the Thanksgiving meal served last Wednesday evening prior to the annual Thanksgiving service. Approximately 20 people were served during the dinner.
This is the chancel area of our sister congregation, Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in Terre Haute, Indiana pictured on January 7th, 2024. Since last August, pastor has been leading an afternoon service in Terre Haute on the first Sunday of each month.
On December 1st, the members and friends of our sister congregation, Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran in Terre Haute, had a photo taken following the afternoon worship service. Following worship, the gathering continued in the church basement for a spaghetti dinner. Pastor Miller is grateful to God for the kindness, flexibility, and generosity during the once/month visits that began in August, 2023.